Simplex - Static Filters

Simplex Filters consist of a single body filter with Cartridge or Basket filtering elements.
The Basket type, with its very simple construction and single filtering element, combines trouble free operation with ease of cleaning.
These filters are used in on-off service and the volume flow has to be interrupted for cleaning/replacement of the filtering elements.
The Filter media can be provided with a wide range of filtration degrees
o Basket material: Stainless Steel AISI 316L
o Cartridges material: Polypropylene, Polyethylene, Fiberglass, Cotton, etc.

Simplex Filters provide a reliable filtration of Fluids in the following applications:

  • Diesel Engines
  • Power Generation
  • Industry
  • Oil&Gas
  • Environment Protection
  • Desalination
  • Chemical & Petrochemical


  • Low investment cost
  • Well-known Technology
  • High dirt holding capacity
  • Wide range of MOC – (Carbon Steel, Stainless steel, Duplex, Super-Duplex on request)